3 Day Hybrid Zen Retreat May 17th-19th
May 04, 2024
Retreat is a time to look inside and investigate our life. It is an opportunity to clear our mind of habitual thinking and access our wisdom and compassion.
The retreat will be led by Jason Quinn JDPSN. We are allowing up to 15 people to come sit with us in person at the Berkeley location (fully vaccinated, masks encouraged [especially for bowing and chanting], negative COVID test required on day of entry, and no cold symptoms: cough, sore throat, runny nose). See the "Sickness Prevention Protocol" on the registration page. Everyone is welcome to join us online. Retreat will include bowing, sitting, chanting, walking, and 1:1 kong-an interviews. Food will be provided at the Zen center.
For registration and info: https://www.emptygatezen.com/3-day-retreat