February 28th- March 8th
Begins Friday 9:30am PT
Retreat is a time to look inside and investigate our life. It is an opportunity to clear our mind of habitual thinking and access our wisdom and compassion.
The retreat will be led by Zen Master Bon Soeng and co-led with Marshall White JDPSN. We are welcoming up to 15 participants to join us in person at our Berkeley location, while everyone is welcome to join online. Retreat will include bowing, chanting, sitting, walking, and 1:1 kong-an interviews. Food will be provided at the Zen center.
If you are not a Kwan Um School of Zen member or have never sat with us before, please send an email to Jason Quinn JDPSN before registering at [email protected].
Please register your first day for a full day, if possible. You can register for parts of the retreat afterwards.
Register For The 8 Day RetreatSickness Prevention Protocol
- For those who are practicing at the center, we wish to remind everyone that we are going to be in very close quarters for this period and need to take all precautions we can to prevent the spread of infection.
- For those traveling to the center, please ensure you wear a mask on any public transportation to prevent bringing any sickness into the space. Airborne viruses spread very rapidly during retreat and can have impacts on many people.
- Because we are in such close quarters, mask are encouraged during retreat periods to prevent the spread of airborne viruses.
- Please ensure that you have tested negative for COVID within 24 hours and bring confirmation for entry. If cost or access to the test if an issue, they will be provided at the door.
- There will be a COVID test confirmation check list at the front. Please ensure you have checked your name off prior to entry into the dharma hall.
- If you have ANY cough or cold symptoms prior to the retreat, OR START TO FEEL ANY COUGH OR COLD SYMPTOMS DURING THIS RETREAT, we ask that you please notify the HDT and remove yourself from participating at the center. You may continue to participate online if you are able.
- If you have flown to the zen center and have to leave the retreat due to illness, your retreat fee can be refunded to help cover the expense of changing your flight.
- If you are coughing or blowing your nose continuously, you may be asked to perform an additional COVID test and/or leave the center and participate online.
Question: What if I can't sit the whole retreat?
Answer: Register for blocks of the retreat, entering and exiting during the breaks. Please commit to the blocks you have signed up for. You can join part of the retreat, leave, and return again later.
Question: What do I do about meals and breaks?
Answer: There will be a lunch break (see schedule below). Use the walking meditation to use the bathroom and to get a drink of water when needed.
Question: How do I join the retreat?
Answer: We will be meeting and practicing on Zoom. A link to join the retreat will be sent to your email. If you don't have Zoom installed on your device, you can download it here. https://zoom.us/download. If you're confused about the schedule, don't worry. Just show up and follow along.
Question: What will be the schedule?
Answer: See schedule below.
Question: What time does the retreat start in my time zone?
Answer: Check for your time zone here
Question: How will I get an interview with the teacher?
Answer: The teacher will call each person to the "virtual" interview room. This will be a chance to ask any questions you have about practice and to work with kong-ans.
Question: What do I need to do to prepare?
Answer: Try to find a place to practice where you will not be interrupted. Sit in a place in your home that is quiet. You can set up a small table or bench and set anything on it that inspires you to practice meditation. An example would be a statue, a picture, candle, or incense. This is optional. Sit on a meditation cushion or a pillow. Bring the book, The Whole World Is A Single Flower, if you have it. Keep your speakers on for cues for walking meditation, breaks, interviews, etc.
Question: Can I participate with my phone or tablet?
Answer: You can participate with a phone or tablet, but a laptop is highly recommended.
Question: What if I get disconnected from Zoom during the retreat?
Answer: If you get disconnected anytime during the retreat, just click on the Zoom meeting link again to re-join.
Gift For Retreat Teacher
It is traditional to leave a gift for the retreat teacher. You can donate securely here.

8 Day Online Retreat Schedule
Friday, February 28th
9:30 Orientation/talk
10:00 Sitting
10:30 Walking meditation
10:40 Sitting
11:10 Walking meditation
11:20 Sitting
11:50 Walking meditation
12:00 Sitting
12:30 Break
2:00 Sitting
2:30 Walking meditation
2:40 Sitting
3:10 Walking meditation
2:20 Sitting
3:50 Walking
4:00 Sitting
4:30 Break
6:00 Chanting
7:00 Sitting
7:30 Walking meditation
7:40 Sitting
8:10 Walking meditation
8:20 Sitting
8:50 Chanting/4 great vows
Saturday, March 1st - Friday, March 7th
6:00 108 Bows
6:30 Chanting
6:50 Sitting
7:20 Walking meditation
7:30 Sitting meditation
8:00 Break / Work period
10:00 Sitting
10:30 Walking meditation
10:40 Sitting
11:10 Walking meditation
11:20 Sitting
11:50 Walking meditation
12:00 Sitting
12:30 Break
2:00 Sitting
2:30 Walking meditation
2:40 Sitting
3:10 Walking meditation
2:20 Sitting
3:50 Walking
4:00 Sitting
4:30 Break
6:00 Chanting
7:00 Sitting
7:30 Walking meditation
7:40 Sitting
8:10 Walking meditation
8:20 Sitting
8:50 Chanting/4 great vows
Saturday, March 8th
6:00 108 Bows
6:30 Chanting
6:50 Sitting
7:20 Walking meditation
7:30 Sitting meditation
8:10 Circle Talk